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Waterfall climbing cave fish: How to begin to compare the neurophysiology of happiness / bliss / neural cascades of pleasure - comparatively with brain wave headsets into a realistic virtual earth at the cellular and atomic levels - between say Scottish Country Dancing (SCD) and being in the Harbin Hot Springs' warm pool, UC Berkeley and University of California ... How best to plan for faculty and staff retirement / pensions for World Univ and Sch as we grow?, Could World Univ and Sch become part of the University of California system/infrastructure - and in all WUaS's~200 countries' planned languages, UC has 10 separate differentiated campuses and a great name in public education, WUaS Co BEGINNING ONLINE WITH BOOKSTORES AND ACADEMIC PRESSES WITH MACHINE TRANSLATION IN ALL ~200 COUNTRIES' OFFICIAL/MAIN LANGUAGES - ... Makes much sense to seek accreditation (when we have students and money), such as - https://www.wscuc.org/institutions/university-california-berkeley (WASC and possibly Quaker)

Had fun at a Scottish Country Dance in Mountain View the other evening. Curious too even in what ways one could begin to compare the neurophysiology of happiness / bliss / neural cascades of pleasure, comparatively with brain wave headsets into a realistic virtual earth at the cellular and atomic levels, between say SCD and being in the Harbin Hot Springs' warm pool ... interesting research ahead ... http://www.scottmacleod.com/research-group.html ... and hopefully brain science-centric a la MIT / Stanford / Berkeley and World Univ and Sch-wise.


In what ways could @WorldUnivAndSch best begin a Scottish Studies' Institute in the SF Bay Area & re Scotland WUaS - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scotland  (each country a major online university https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States …) inviting speakers to talk & as model for all ~200 countries' universities?



In what ways could a Scottish Studies' Institute in the SF Bay Area to create Scotland WUaS @WorldUnivAndSch -https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/977223440812818437 … - find its budget from Scotland itself, and to hire Scots as online faculty? Swords into plough shares, Quaker-wise - so from defense spending?


As an example of a parallel project in the US -

2018 Visiting Lectureship

Restore Scottish Highland heritage to American education at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill with the 2018-19 Visiting Lectureship.

https://gaelicusa.org/2018-visiting-lectureship/ -

where WUaS's ~200 online e-universities seek to become the Harvard / MIT / Oxbridge of the Internet ...

WUaS could invite, for example, Fiona McPherson, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Glasgow ...

Fiona Macpherson


Philosopher of Mind and Perception, Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Centre for the Study of Perceptual Experience, University of Glasgow




A REALISTIC VIRTUAL EARTH - think Google Street View ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg  ~ with time slider /Maps /Earth/Brain with species at cell/atom levels - VIRTUAL EARTH BUILDING BLOCKS ARE THERE-WHAT TO BUILD EARLY ON? @HarbinBook https://twitter.com/NatCapProject/status/976625735417786374 … re https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Environmental_Engineering … ~



Thu, March 15, 2018

Hi Susan, Jean and Lillian, and All, 

To date, this community radio interview - http://northernspiritradio.org/episode/free-universal-school by Quaker/Friend Mark Judkins Helpsmeet of Northern Spirit Radio in Eau Claire, Wisconsin - is World University and School's press track record (accessible from here - http://scottmacleod.com/papers.htm).

I'm curious, if WUaS could get an article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - and I could thereby potentially "land" the MIT Media Lab faculty position - whether WUaS could then contact H.C., also a Pittsburgh high school friend, about something in the WSJ.

Warmly, Scott

Fri, March 23, 2018

UC Berkeley and University of California ...


March 19-23

Hi M,

Sounds great. Have a fun trip. Hi to T.

I think the WUaS Co business model which would good to build out of would be more Ikea-Amazon than Walmart-Amazon - BEGINNING ONLINE WITH BOOKSTORES AND ACADEMIC PRESSES WITH MACHINE TRANSLATION IN ALL ~200 COUNTRIES' OFFICIAL/MAIN LANGUAGES - but Woolworth 5 & 10 department stores have a more than 100 year history in these regards ... and AGAIN re each of all ~200 countries and their main languages.

Think I may head to working with Lego Mindstorms EV3 robotics' kit after I build through the Lego WeDo 2.0's ~24 projects ... and eventually adding newly the Scratch drag and drop programming language out of MIT, to WeDo 2.0 Lego robotics ... fun and interesting ... and it looks like parts of Mindstorms can work in water too ... wow ... good both for WUaS Students and my own hypothetical kids too ... and perhaps would contribute to "landing" the MIT Media Lab faculty position.

Heading to SCD music-making soon.

Have fun in Myrtle Beach, and enjoy the warmth ... may keep in touch in email via your iPhone.

Lots of l,


Hi M,

Welcome to Myrtle Beach ... :) sounds like a fun trip, and nice to be with friends.

I just heard from the MIT Media Lab that I was not offered the faculty position. (I think Cambridge MA and MIT could be a very intense place to be a professor, in terms of cultural questions, among many ... and in the way that MIT itself leads the development of information technologies, in so many ways. Perhaps WUaS can do this, however, online in many languages and in all countries in a very different way than MIT as we develop).

How best to plan for faculty and staff retirement / pensions for World University and School as we grow, I wonder (is one question that comes to mind)?

The main road is out in Canyon - a cement truck seems to have fallen off the road at a fairly sharp bend by Theo's house, which means that traffic has to go by an even smaller, quite steep road, which involves two very rustic bridges at the road's low point. As I was coming home last night after SCD music-making, and heading up this road, my tires skidded a bit coming off these bridges 2 or 3 times, so each time I had to back up in the dark onto one of the bridges, to get a running start. Today it's raining a bit, so when I come up this road again, I'll be even more focused on getting a running start.

It's quite a site to see this big cement truck from above it on the road - possibly full - nearly kipped sideways off it - and I have no idea how anyone would be able to get it out. A kind of California road challenge ... have probably been lots of these road challenges over the centuries, - and in all US states. Roads are an old history ... and the US's and Canyon's roads probably are better than ever at any time in history. Ah, living in a rural place.

No Cambridge, MA, for me this autumn ... more WUaS ... and Harbin project ...

and family ... staying focused in finding a friend in these regards ...

I hope you have a wonderful trip ...


Hi M,

Have you arrived to your destination? How has your travel gone? How are you?

Not traveling to Cambridge MA this autumn could make it easier to find a partner.


Cuttyhunk in summer, rather than Cambridge for work ... has appeal.

Here's the MIT Media Lab email:

Greetings Scott MacLeod, 

Thank you for applying to the General faculty search position in the Program in Media Arts and Sciences/Media Lab. The search committee has looked carefully at the (many) applications received, and you are not on our shortlist of candidates.

We appreciate your interest in the Media Lab, however, we will not be able to offer you the position.

We wish you the best in your future endeavors.

-Faculty Search Committee

Massachusetts Institute of Technology sent this message in reference to your application for Assistant Professor - General Search.

And I'm not a general either - whatever this means in this application.

It would be great for WUaS to emerge from a Stanford, UC Berkeley or UC in general, or similar for financial structure such as retirement / pensions / benefits re hiring grad students, and Ph.D.s,  .... which could be a growth opportunity for these great universities.

I may let Nelson and Dean know soon about my not getting the MIT Media Lab position, and perhaps I could even build on the Media Lab application with UC Berkeley even ... and find a way to get a professor position there.

Now both Canyon roads are blocked - email below.

Rainy day here ... made a Lego WeDo 2.0 robot I built to speak today (simply by recording something to the programming software - interesting).

Happy travels, M! :)


Hi M

The main road opened in Canyon around 5pm yesterday! And welcome to Myrtle Beach! How did your trip go?

Am grateful to Nelson for his writing the Foreward to my "Naked Harbin Ethnography" - http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html - which I think he may have offered to do out of the blue. Having inquired yesterday of Nelson and Dean whether becoming a faculty member at UC Berkeley might be a possibility - having heard back negatively yesterday from MIT Media Lab about my faculty application there  -I wonder if Dean or Nelson could make this happen by, for example, talking with Cal provost Carol Christ (re Ns too), if only with a lecturer position, and income enough to live on annually, to begin.

May head to Scottish Country Dancing in Mountain View this evening!

Happy travels, Ma!



Hello M,

How is Myrtle Beach? How are you? How are your travels going?

Chancellor of UC Berkeley Carol Christ who knows ... could be a good person to reach out to re a possible teaching position in the UC Berkeley Anthro Dept re this email I just sent to Larry -

"I didn't get the MIT Media Lab faculty position, I heard the day before yesterday. It would be great if I could now seek out and get an Anthropology faculty position at UC Berkeley, if at all possible - and I've inquired about this possibility with UC Professors Nelson Graburn and Dean MacCannell. I think Nelson wrote the Foreword to my "Naked Harbin Ethnography" somehow out of the blue - with benefits for him and myself - and which I think has been very important for its credibility; perhaps he'll/they'll be able to see my need of this faculty job, - and the growth potential of World University and School in collaboration with the University of California which could come out of this - which would benefit them. And perhaps I could also inquire further about this with the fairly new UC Berkeley Chancellor, Carol Christ, whom I've met and like, and who knows some mutual friends from Cuttyhunk - and re accreditation too.  "

How can Nelson and Dean and President of the University of California, Janet Napolitano, who was raised in Pittsburgh, and UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol Christ who ...  come to benefit from World University and School by its becoming part of the University of California system/infrastructure - and in all WUaS's~200 countries' planned languages, I wonder. They have 10 separate differentiated campuses, a great name in public education, and, for example, the web site skills among much else IT-wise for scaling, and hiring. And their retirement systems could benefit as WUaS hires graduate students and recent Ph.D.s in all ~200 countries' official languages - and their nation states reimburse WUaS / UC for students.

As Larry said the other day, if only someone would pick up on the idea.

Hope your travels are going well. :)




Dear Larry,

I hope this finds you well.

After talking today with a Tunisian in a German language Hangout which I attend regularly, I think it makes much sense to seek accreditation (when we have students and money), such as - https://www.wscuc.org/institutions/university-california-berkeley (WASC and possibly Quaker), for example - for Tunisians and other international students, and for Americans especially.

Peter Bothe who organizes this language Hangout says he'll help to promote World University and School and in Hangouts and on Youtube - and regularly. Great news, I think. (Big kudos to Peter).

I didn't get the MIT Media Lab faculty position, I heard the day before yesterday. It would be great if I could now seek out and get an Anthropology faculty position at UC Berkeley, if at all possible - and I've inquired about this possibility with UC Professors Nelson Graburn and Dean MacCannell. I think Nelson wrote the Foreword to my "Naked Harbin Ethnography" somehow out of the blue - with benefits for him and myself - and which I think has been very important for its credibility; perhaps he'll/they'll be able to see my need of this faculty job, - and the growth potential of World University and School in collaboration with the University of California which could come out of this - which would benefit them. And perhaps I could also inquire further about this with the fairly new UC Berkeley Chancellor, Carol Christ, whom I've met and like, and who knows some mutual friends from Cuttyhunk - and re accreditation too.

Curious to learn from Mitch Zuklie about his interest in becoming a WUaS Co Board member re your "Let's see what you find out when you talk to him" of March 15 email. Bob Graham has kind of gotten back to say he would like to be a Board member, but that this would be in a limited way; Deloitte where he works probably has access to many resources. But perhaps Mitch and Bob could become Board members together. And could Bob and Mitch invite the other two Stanford Law SVDX -  Anita Sands and Shellye Archambeau - panelists too to join this WUaS Co Board - for instant Board? With Kyle that would leave 2 further slots for them to fill.

As you know, the WUaS Corp is an educational services company, planned in all ~200 nation states (their official / main languages), and in all 7,097 living languages.

And how best further for us to remove ourselves as completely as possible from the WUaS Co - as a Board emerges?

... still enrolled in the College of Piping.

Sincerely, Scott

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President

- World University and School
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org

- 415 480 4577
- http://scottmacleod.com


Dear Larry,


As you said the other day, something like: if someone would pick up on the WUaS idea - and how could all of the University of California do so, and Berkeley, in particular, I wonder?

Just emailed this to M:

How could Nelson and Dean and President of the University of California, Janet Napolitano, who was raised in Pittsburgh, and UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol Christ who knows the Newberrys from Cuttyhunk come to benefit from World University and School by its becoming part of the University of California system/infrastructure - and in all WUaS's~200 countries' planned languages, I wonder. UC has 10 separate differentiated campuses, one of the greatest names in public education at the University level (and offer Med Schs, Law Schs., PH.D. Bachelor degree programs), and, for example, the web site skills among much else IT-wise for scaling, and hiring. And their retirement systems could benefit as WUaS hires graduate students and recent Ph.D.s in all ~200 countries' official languages - and their nation states reimburse WUaS / UC for students.

UC President Janet Napolitano - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janet_Napolitano. She's the president I'd think of all 10 campuses.


“Only by working together, looking to the future & committing to our core values of comprehensive excellence & access for all, will we maintain the brilliance of @ucberkeley.”—@ucberkeley chancellor Carol Christ in @dailycal #OpEd #UC150



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